Monday, February 25, 2013


I am not sure I slept last night, but I don't remember not sleeping.  I must have dozed off at about 1am and awoke at 7.  So six hours was OK.  Had a boring breakfast in the hotel - flat French Toast with artificial maple syrup - and went to work.

The morning was overcast and cool.  By about 4pm, the sun came out and I migrated my office to the pool, where I caught the last hour of blue skies and warm sun.  It was not too hot today, perhaps 80F, and there was a breeze.  Sadly the pool is next to a busy road and trucks pass by all day.  Of course, there is a wall with electric wires surrounding the property and the wall keeps some of the noise out.  And it was restful enough to have a snooze in the sun.

At the end, I saw the sun get low and that slanted light creates great contrast amidst the flowers and tropical plants lining the pool.  I put on my Macro and snapped a couple of decent shots.

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