Tuesday, February 19, 2013


On March 1, I begin a three week self-driving adventure across Namibia.  This is a journey I have dreamed about for many years.  I'm going alone, and have only booked two nights out of the 20 I will sleep across some 3000km of driving.  I rented a 4x4 with a tent on top, refrigerator in the back, and plan to camp out in desert campsites most evenings.  I have a route planned that takes me from Winhoek north to The Waterberg Plateau, then on to Etosha National Park, through Damaraland to the Skeleton Coast, then through Sossuvlei and ending in The Namib Rand. 

I am traveling during the off season, at the end of the Namibian summer during what had been the rainy season.  However, there hasn't been much rain in Namibia this year and I don't expect much arid interruption during my stay.  It will be hot during the day, with temperatures in the 90's, and cool at night, getting down to 60F.  I will be driving vast distances in a large pickup truck with a cab on the back and a tent on the roof.  And I will mostly be alone except for the animals and people I meet on the way. 

Over the past 20 years, I have visited 44 countries.  But in all that time, I have never taken a three week holiday anywhere on my own.  I've had a few days tacked on here and there, or taken the family with me.  But I have not had an adventure on my own for a long period of time since 1992.  And I have never been in a place so vast (twice the size of California) with so few human beings (1.2 million). 

Namibia is one of the last true empty and untouched wildernesses in the world and I look forward to sharing with you what I see, through the lens of my camera, what I experience via the words on these pages, and sometimes (bandwidth permitting), what I see and hear via video. 

I promise to keep a daily diary and to only post the best photos and videos from each day.  I hope you will tune in often and leave me with feedback and comments.  I look forward to hearing from you!

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