Thursday, March 21, 2013

Dune 45

 March 17, 2013

We awoke at 5am.  I downed a Red Bull, some rasberry streudel we bought in Solitaire, and packed up my tent while Roger and Nadine got ready.  We piled into my care and left the camp gate at 5:50am, two cars behind the first in line.  The second car was driving slow so we passed them and made it to Dune 45 at 6:40.

The climb up is by no means easy.  The sand is soft and you have to walk on the edge of the dune.  The sides are steep and it is very early in the morning.  Everyone is groggy and the trek up takes 40 minutes to get to the top.

We sit down at the top just moments before the sun rises over a dune 20km in front of us.

Everyone feels elated.  Only a few thousand people make this journey each year and it is a special feeling to be here to watch the day begin.  I took some photos of the surrounding dunes as the light opened up the horizon.

 I asked Matt, a Canadian we met in camp, to take some photos of the three of us on the rim.

 Roger then took this fantastic shot of me.
 And I took this one of Matt.
We stayed on the rim for about 20 minutes and then launched ourselves down the dune.

On the way down, with the sun rising and throwing everything into colorfull contrast, I snapped a few great shots.  This environment is perfect for photography.  The colors are fantastic!  This was one of the highlights of the trip and I will never forget the feeling of sitting on the Dune and watching the sun rise.

I shot two into the sun to give you a sense of the space in front of us.

A magical moment.

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