Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Etosha - Day 1

I awoke early yesterday to do a game drive and stumbled upon a pack of jackals eating a springbok that must have been killed seconds before.   I was watching the sun rise when I found this scene and it was an amazing spectacle for another 10 minutes. 

I watched the pack fight over the meat in a chaotic battle for first dibs on the 
sweetbreads for about three minutes.  Then a lioness strolled in and claimed the prize. A few minutes on a male lion came and waited in the shade for the last scraps. I showed these photos to some experience safari guides who were amazed that the jackals were hunting as a pack and that it was the lions who came in and scavenged.  Normally it is the other way around.  The last photo, of the male lion with no blood on his face sitting quietly next to a jackal covered in blood is the most startling shot of them all.  Can't say I met any other guests in Etosha who had seen a kill like this.

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